Jesse Delali Disu


His infectious smiles on and off the stage earned him the brand The Smiling Drummer. Jesse Delali Disu remarkably maintains a smile, warm and welcoming, while delivering electrifying performances as a drummer – which has baffled yet blessed many.

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Jesse Delali Disu


His infectious smiles on and off the stage earned him the brand The Smiling Drummer. Jesse Delali Disu remarkably maintains a smile, warm and welcoming, while delivering electrifying performances as a drummer – which has baffled yet blessed many.

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Born in Norway and raised in Ghana, Jesse’s staunch Christian family gave him a formidable foundation in Christianity and music. With most of his family being actively involved in church as pastors and leaders and demonstrating a lot of musicianship at home and church, it is no surprise that Jesse began drumming at age 7. Since then, he has remained consistent, evolving into a sought-after professional drummer globally. He has performed on many stages across the world and with numerous artistes, notably, Joe Mettle, Nathaniel Bassey, Called Out Music, Akesse Brempong, Team Eternity Ghana and many more.

Jesse’s unique craft is founded not just in his passion and his skill, but also in his pursuit of God. At the core of his musicianship are character, humility, teachability, and honesty. These, which are sourced from his family and Christian values, are his guide to being excellent.

"These mics do everything they're supposed to. Excellent transients, clean capture of the drum’s tone and the right amount of rejection."

— Jesse Delali Disu